In the Dark is an American Comedy-Drama TV Series. In the Dark Season 2 is release on 16 April, 2020 (The CW). In the Dark Season 2 is looking full of Comedy, Drama. Keston John, Kathleen York and Rich Sommer are the main cast of In the Dark Season 2.
Network | The CW |
TV Series | In the Dark Season 2 |
Language | English |
Release Date | 16 April 2020 (The CW) |
Genres | Comedy, Drama |
Country | USA |
Director | John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein |
Writers | Corinne Kingsbury, Corinne Kingsbury |
Main Cast | Keston John, Kathleen York and Rich Sommer |
In the Dark Season 2 Cast
Keston John As Darnell
Kathleen York As Joy
Rich Sommer As Dean
Saycon Sengbloh As Jules
Natalie Liconti As Sterling
Theodore Bhat As Josh
Cortni Vaughn Joyner As Sam
Maia Bastidas As Amber
Leo Choy As Teller
Joella Crichton As Bank Teller
Mike Dara As Gary
Sandra Flores As Hotel Desk Clerk
Nelu Handa As Jen
Yasmin Lau As Girl
John-Philip Vazquez As K9 Cop
In the Dark Season 2 Trailer